Entrepreneurial woman working on her laptop

The importance of Image and style for the entrepreneurial woman

Image and personal style are important aspects in the construction of the personal brand of the entrepreneurial woman and the way in which a woman presents herself to others can have a significant impact on the way she is perceived. Fortunately, we are at a time when it is increasingly common to see women entrepreneurs occupying leadership positions in companies and organisations around the world.

But despite the fact that gender equality has advanced significantly in recent decades, gender stereotypes still persist that can affect the way women are perceived in the business world.

For those women who occupy senior positions, such as CEO, CFO or department head, they have a crucial role in representing their company. In many cases, they are the visible face of the company and, as such, their image and personal style should reflect the culture and values ​​of the company they represent.

It is important for women to be aware of their personal image and style, as this can affect how they are perceived by their friends, clients and the general public. At work, you should dress professionally and appropriately for the work environment, but you can also add a personal touch to reflect your style and personality.

Image and style beyond the superficial

It is important to keep in mind that a person’s physical appearance should not be the only factor that determines their ability to perform a job or lead a company. However, the way a woman presents herself to others can affect how she is perceived and valued in the business world.

By being aware of their appearance and personal style, women can build a strong personal brand consistent with their company’s values ​​and culture while still being themselves.

In addition, a professional image and style can increase your confidence and credibility with others, and contribute to your success in the business world.

Fer Domínguez is the founder of UNLOCK and a conscious image consultant, she teaches us how to make peace with our body and our image in order to make the most of it in order to achieve our objectives and goals.

If you are interested in an image consultancy to know your style, visit her website ferdominguez.style and discover the power of the image and the style of the entrepreneurial woman.

Join the UNLOCK community and buy your tickets for our event where we will give you tools to unlock your potential and how to crush your image and style as an entrepreneurial woman. We are waiting for you on June 7, 8 and 9 in Puebla, Mx

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